A Powerful Visualization to Try This Summer

Photo credit: Ana Azevedo

Photo credit: Ana Azevedo/Unsplash

Maybe it’s that end-of-school feeling, or because my birthday is in June (shoutout to my Geminis!), but summer has always felt to me like a natural time to reflect on my life. 

This summer, as things feel way more normal, I’m making time to dream about where I want to be next summer. Things like:

  • What do I want my work life to look like in a year?

  • Where do I want to travel next summer?

  • Who do I want to spend more time with?

Visualizing your life in a year can help you figure out what you really want, so that you can figure out how to get it.

How to Create a Vision for Your Life Next Summer

Sit in a quiet place and have a pen and paper nearby. Meditate, or simply close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Imagine that it is one year from now. Open your eyes and write down, with as many details as possible: 

  • What are you doing for work?

  • With whom are you doing it with? 

  • Where are you living? 

  • How much are you earning?

  • How much fun are you having? 

  • What difference are you making in the world each day? 

  • What do you feel? 

Tips: Don’t censor yourself (“That’s impossible!”). Write down the smallest of details that come to mind - even what you’re wearing or how your home is decorated. 

Visualization works so well that I do it with all of my clients. When I did a similar exercise with a coach almost five years ago, I accurately predicted that in five years, I’d have two daughters (I only had one at the time), live in California (I lived in Brooklyn at the time) and be building my own business.

This stuff really works. Give it a try!


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