5 Questions to Ask Yourself After Leaving a Job

Woman giving a peace sign

Daniel Mingook Kim via Unsplash

Leaving a job is a big life transition. You may feel sadness, loss, regret, fear and anxiety – even if you’re leaving for your ideal job or to follow a dream. 

I have noticed that clients often describe a sense of grief after leaving, especially if the job or company had been a big part of their identity and/or community. 

If you’re transitioning out of a job or have recently left one, recognize that it’s completely normal to feel mixed emotions. 

Here are five questions that you can ask yourself or use as journal prompts while the departure is still fresh on your mind:

  1. What aspects of this job did I love?

  2. What am I most proud of during my time here?

    • Tip: Keep track of any and all wins and tangible results you made. This will come in handy in updating your professional narrative. Be sure to save as many examples and case studies of your work as possible.

  3. How am I different now than when I first started this job?

  4. What could I have done differently?

  5. What did I learn about myself here? 

In addition to helping you create a sense of mental closure after leaving your job, completing this exercise also serves a practical purpose. You never know when you’ll be asked in an interview about a job you held years ago, so make sure that you save your answers in a safe place. 

By giving yourself the time and space to close out this chapter of your life, you can begin your next one with more clarity and confidence.

If you are experiencing a job or life transition, let’s chat to see if I can help. Book free 30-minute consult to see if private coaching is for you. 


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